7 Days Kilimanjaro Climb (Rongai Route)

6 Days


This morning you will drive for approximately 2-3 hours to the Rongai Nalemoru Gate, near the Kenyan border. After registering, begin your hike through the forest where you may see and hear wildlife, including black and white Colobus monkeys. Enjoy lunch on the trail, before continuing to the first campsite.
Overnight Simba Camp

Day two takes you through Kilimanjaro's moorland with views of Mawenzi Peak ahead. The morning is steep and here you may begin to feel the altitude. Explore the first cave before resting over lunch close to the second cave. The afternoon is gentler, contouring across the moorland to camp in a sheltered valley. Trekking time approximately 6-8 hours.
Overnight Kikelewa Camp

Today you will hike in the morning and rest in the afternoon, to help you acclimatize. The trail is relatively short but steep, and you are rewarded with superb all-around views and a tangible sense of wilderness. The campsite lies below Mawenzi Peak and offers stunning views of both Mawenzi and Kibo.
Overnight Mawenzi Tarn

Today you can enjoy a relaxed breakfast, as you will be staying at Mawenzi Tarn for a second night and do not need to pack! The morning will be spent on an acclimatization walk. Dependent upon how you are feeling this can be a steep walk up the scree slopes towards the peak of Mawenzi, or a gentler climb to the ridge or the lunar desert, visiting the eerie site of a plane crash. Return to Mawenzi Tarn for a hot lunch and afternoon of rest.
Overnight Mawenzi Tarn

The saddle crossing between Kibo and Mawenzi feels lunar and offers spectacular views, but is exposed and can be windy. Kibo Huts Camp sits directly below the summit cone, looking down over the Kenyan plains and Mawenzi and upwards to the climb that lies ahead. After lunch and a full summit briefing, rest in preparation for your summit attempt.
Overnight Kibo Huts Camp

Around midnight, begin the final ascent to Uhuru Peak, the highest point in Africa. For the next six hours, hike by the light of your flashlight. The ascent to the crater rim is the most challenging part of the entire trek. The trail consists mostly of steep switchbacks, with a rocky section known as Jamaica Rocks to scramble over as you approach the crater rim at Gilman's Point (5,756m). The hike from Gilman's to Uhuru Peak is a gradual climb and, as far as hikes go, not very difficult. The altitude however makes it feel long and tiring. After summit celebrations descend to Kibo Huts to eat, before continuing down to Horombo Huts to camp. Total trekking time is around 14 hours, so be prepared for a very tough day.
Overnight Horombo Huts

Finish your trek with a descent to the Marangu Gate. Your last hike on Kilimanjaro is a beautiful one, passing through the cloud forest. This trek will take approximately 5-6 hours. At the gate, you will be met and transferred to Moshi.
Overnight Ameg Lodge (Classic) or Pink Flamingo Boutique Hotel (Premium)

Cost Includes

  • All Game Drives
  • Safari Vehicle
  • Park Entry Fees
  • Accommodations at Lodges/Tented Camps/Basic Camping
  • English Speaking Driver/Guide
  • All Food and Drinking Water
  • 18% VAT Tax
  • At Least 1 Pair Of Binoculars
  • Accommodations
  • Airport Transfers (Arrivals and Departures)

Cost Excludes

  • Tipping for your driver/guide.
  • Tipping for your cook (camping safaris only).
  • Drinks, Snacks and Food (unless specified)
  • Spending money on items not specified
  • Visas & vaccinations
  • Insurance

You can send your enquiry via the form below.

7 Days Kilimanjaro Climb (Rongai Route)
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